Monday, December 1, 2014


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If you take a look as the amount of Nigerians seeking to ’blow’ just from owning and starting up charitable organizations and NGOs in Nigeria, you would be amazed at how degraded the term charitable organizations has become in the country. defines a charitable organization as an incorporated or non-incorporated tax exempt body which (1) is created and operated for charitable purposes, (2) employs all its resources to those charitable activities that are under its direct control, (3) does not distribute any part of the income generated for the benefit of any trustee, trustor, member, or other private individual, and (4) does not contribute to or associates with political organizations.
The above definition shows that the aim of charities is mainly philanthropy and every other form of giving back to society but down here, the reverse is the case – taking from the society in the guise of NGO, foundations and those other fancy names they give to these money making ventures nonprofit organizations. A critical look on some of these supposed charities or NGOs would reveal that they are not different from most for-profit organizations; they appear on the surface as a group established for humanitarian, religious or philanthropic causes but underneath, the ‘business’ goes on.
In a January 2012 article on Thisday newspaper titled Sustaining NGOs for Effective Service Delivery, Amaka Eze wrote, “As good as the concept of NGOs seems to be, some individuals however see the platform as a meal ticket and way out of poverty, thus use funds and grants from donor agencies to build personal houses, buy exotic cars, while those for whom the monies were donated are allowed to wallow in abject poverty.”
Someone was talking to me about trying to “help” a female friend (he was also interested in dating her) and he used these words, “Imagine the girl I was trying to help better her life. I was talking to her about looking for a name, starting up an NGO after which I’d introduce her to one or two people and from there, things would be better but she is misbehaving.” From every indication, “things would be better” as used by this young man could pass for: she’d make money, fame etc . There are a lot of Nigerians who are like this young man, they see starting up charities as a form of business venture – an escape from being broke or a source of income. From politicians who start or own them just to garner votes during elections, as objects of campaign, as tools to harness theft and misappropriation of public funds to celebrities who own them just to stay in the news, sometimes without even being concerned with the activities of the organizations for instance, every year, new queens emerge (as either Miss Nigeria or one of the other Misses in the numerous pageantries available today) and part of their projects is establishing charities that would cater a particular humanitarian need in the society but the twist is this: most of these charities either ceases to exist or become non-operational after a while or would only exist for the duration of the supposed queen’s reign. Why start it in the first place?!
Charitable organizations has been toyed with, misused and abused in Nigeria. In other parts of the world, there are charity regulators ie a group that sees that these charities are managed effectively and operated within their legal framework but I doubt if there is any like that here in the country because I’m yet to see or hear of any.

To ensure proper practice and regulation in the Third sector, a body should be created solely for seeing to the establishment and regulations of these charities (if none is in existence already)and if there is a regulating body, I think they are not just doing their job as it should be done because if handled properly, they (Charities or NGO’s) contribute to the nation’s economy and therefore shouldn’t be left for those who have decided to make money from any possible means or who see every single venture as a tool for their political antics.


Follow me on Twitter: @victorikeji

Monday, October 13, 2014


                                                                Image coutesy of

This article was born out of curiosity after seeing the 2014 movie The Cure (which I'd advise that you try to see anyway). It could be easily dismissed as fantasy or fiction but it should be viewed objectively.  

The movie is about this Fortune 500 CEO of a pharmaceutical company who came up with a cure for cancer but had to keep it secret because if it is released, the billions generated from the sales of drugs used in chemotherapy would be lost. Also because money generated from chemo would surpass that of the cure. He hoarded the cure for 11years. Fortunately, two biochemists working in the company uncovered this secret and he contracted assassins to kill them so as to keep his secret that could save millions of people if released. 

Although the film climaxed with the cure being released, in the real world we are yet to come up with a cure for cancer, which is why I think questions should be asked and the issue looked into critically.

Millions if not billions are spent annually on drugs used in chemotherapy alone. Even with several researches we are made to believe is ongoing in oncology, there is yet to be a final cure for the disease. This movie could be easily discarded as a work of fiction but before we do that, we should really take time to look at this prediction (which is what I prefer to refer to it as) because there could be some iota of truth embedded within. It addressed an important issue which is the possibility of there being a cure already but is kept secret just to satisfy some people's selfish desires. 

We live in a world governed by the filthy rich and powerful, a number of who makes money either from legitimate or illegitimate and sometimes unnoticed means. If that is the case, the possibility of there being a conspiracy to keep the purported cure a secret shouldn't be waved off. There could be this grand conspiracy to keep the cure secret, who knows. Even conspiracy theorists would tell you that the true rulers or those responsible for formulation of policies in the world are not the ones that appears as presidents, prime ministers, kings, queens, CEO's etc but a particular group of people lurking in the shadows. Everybody wants to get or remain rich hence the quest to make millions or sustain the in-flow of billions at all cost so if there is a final cure, money is lost and that is bad business so they could assume that it better for people to die so that there could still be a lot of money in their pockets in circulation. The same could be applied to a number of terminal illnesses that we are made to believe have no cure yet.

One may be forced to ask, researches to find a cure could cost billions of dollars. How do you think such money could be spent and the resulting cure hoarded? My answer would be this: In our world, are billionaires and multi-millionaires who are keen on sustaining that status and hence would invest in any venture that seem profitable. More like, let's make all the money we can from chemo and then leave the cure as 'treasure' for our heirs and heiress'.

While discussing with a friend about this same subject, she asked, "But thousands of lives are lost annually, do you think they would prefer to have people die because of their quest for riches?" The sad truth is, it won't be first and probably not the last time that money is made at the expense of human lives in the world that we live in. Some of the pharmaceutical companies around carry out untimely human trials indiscriminately just to beat their competitors to that "pioneer status"-- we produced that drug before others. Also, most wars are fought solely for financial reasons but we are made to believe otherwise. The perpetrators of these wars have a picture of profits that would be made as against the number of lives that would be lost.
Bottom line is: They don't care as long as there is money to be made.

I'm not of the opinion that there is already a cure for cancer but just as the movie suggests, the possibility shouldn't be erased entirely. It is something that is worth thinking about.

PS: If you are in or around Lagos, there is a free breast and cervical cancer screening going on @ 118 Bode Thomas, Surulere courtesy of Dr. Femi Olaleye, Optimal Cancer care and Go PINK Nigeria.

Follow me on Twitter: @victorikeji

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Writers they say are gods who with the aid of their pen and paper, creates characters that come alive, brings scenarios into existence and then try to reconcile art with life. Sometime last year, I wanted to join a writing club and was asked to submit an article with the title 'Why I write'. Some friends have also asked this question severally - "why do you write?"

Below are some reasons why I put pen to paper. 

Writing to me is a form of expression. Rather than speaking those words that could easily be forgotten, I prefer to pen down my thoughts so that they could be referenced later. Some people would argue that when you get to speak of certain things bothering you, you feel good about yourself but for me; when I write about them, it produces the same effect.

I write because there is this feeling of contentment that comes with every article or write-up, a feeling that could be said to make one feel like a god - bringing things into existence. Imagine picking up a blank paper and then penning down your thoughts, stringing words together and at the same time bringing up stories, articles and write-ups that people could reconcile with. 

I write because it gives me joy, it makes me happy when someone tells me that they read my article somewhere and it really made sense. For example, a friend stopped me on the road and used these words: "Vic, how are you? Saw your Article on Nairaland, it had over 30,000 views." Imagine the kind of joy in my heart as a budding writer. The fact that people get to understand my write-up(s), could reconcile with and even feel good about it makes me feel good myself.

Writing puts me in a position to air my views on certain issues as I usually do on my blog, advise and even caution people whom I wouldn't dream of speaking to on a normal day without being interrupted. LOL. I'd admit that the fact that some people can't see you but can hear you from you write-ups makes me happy. That feeling for me is 'très bon'. 

I write because I just have to. It is more like a personal obligation for me, I just have to pick up a pen or my computer and try to string words together because it makes me whole. Those thoughts just have to leave my head and either make someone's day, get another laughing or be a source of information to a third.

Writing for me is a form of relaxation - my yoga, pilates, tai chi, meditation and any other relaxation technique you could think of. I write nice poems when I'm depressed sometimes. Penning down a piece leads to more writing as I become more relaxed and productive.

I write because I just have to write, can't really imagine what not writing feels like, I just have to do it because I can't just help but write.

Why do you write? Feel free to leave your answer on the comment box below.


Follow me on Twitter: @victorikeji

Friday, August 1, 2014


The internet (Social media precisely) have revolutionised the art of relationships, mainly the way we meet and interact with people. It has reshaped the way in which businesses are conducted and impacted lives both positively and otherwise. Nowadays a Facebook 'like', a single shared picture on Instagram or a Retweet on Twitter could lead to marriage, crash one's marriage, land you that dream job or make you loose that job. It is no more news that recruiters and employers scrutinize the prospective applicant or employee's social media account for 'additional info'.

With Facebook's over 1billion users and Twitter's over 500million subscribers mainly made up of young people, it is not uncommon to find status updates, tweets or pictures that would make your jaw drop in awe. 

More younger people (and even older individuals) are going online or have got that 'online presence' since the advent of technology and the epiphany of smart phones but the irony is that they log on most times without their brains and this could be noticed in the type of pictures, posts, updates on some of their social media accounts. While some of them have foolishness written all over them, others are just outright insane.

Below are innovative and more productive ways to spend time online rather than just letting the clock tick away while being 'busy but idle and foolish' in every sense of it. Hope you find the tips useful.

When you are not feeling like, don't. 

You must not post an update, tweet or share something. When you are not feeling like putting something up, you could just go online, read other people's updates, tweets, shared links and log off.

Get your timers running as soon as you log on
Limit the time spent online because there is a tendency to talk gibberish when you are perpetually online and had run out of good or reasonable things to say.

You are your social media account 
Always put this at the back of your mind: Your online personality cum social media account(s) is still seen as you in person because it has your identity so every single action taken on your account would be seen as what you'd do in person.

Ask these questions before posting.
What is to be learnt from my tweet, post or update? 
What if my prospective employer, wife, folks or pastor is reading this?
What if this resurfaces a couple of years from now, what impact would it have on my image?

Moderation and good reasoning shouldn't be limited to just our personal lives but also to what we do or how we act or speak online so as not to wish we could take back those words or actions just when it too late. 


You can follow me on Twitter: @victorikeji

Thursday, July 10, 2014


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It feeds us with information- whether true/false, right/wrong. It has lead to many deaths as well as saved so many lives. It has even been used to start wars. With a click of a button, you can experience Europe from Africa. Religions, tribes, countries rise against each other because of it. Agree to it or not, the media is and remains one of the tools shaping our world today both positively and otherwise. 

Negative or sometimes titivated information sells and spreads like wildfire and the media has numerous applications of this because according to some, it is where the bulk of the money lies. For instance, In one day, I turned on the TV for a News bulletin and was greeted with a story and pictures on a gruesome murder. I sought for solace on my Facebook wall only to be slapped with another slightly skewed version of a story I read earlier. I felt Twitter would be any better but as usual, some biased political activists were having a field day, dishing out articles upon articles to mar a prospective governor's chances of winning an election. This got me thinking: Is there still an iota of truth in the world? In their song 'Where is the love', The Black Eye Peas sang: " ...Wrong information always shown by the media, negative images is the main criteria. Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria, just wanna act like what they see..." Younger Nigerians who are keen on subscribing to the herd mentality picks up this stories, adds their own touch of "creativity" to it and we get more confused. 

In this age of Technology, Blackberry, iPhones, iPads etc, everything seem to have gone online, it is not uncommon for an individual to get information of the happenings around them from the internet i.e Blogs, Online magazines and even News websites and all these complements the numerous newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations we have in our world today.

The question remains: How accurate and honest are the information we digest from the media? The nature and type of these information could be based on certain factors. For example, most of the information and news we get from the media has to do with the people and the affairs of government. The government might want to convince people to support their policies and this could lead to its liaison with journalists or even media outlets thereby suppressing certain kinds of information while pushing forward those that could sound or seem pleasing to the citizens and portray them(the government) in good light. 

In our world today, there are a thousand and one media outlets but they are owned and controlled by a small but powerful number of corporations which exerts a strong influence on the type of stories to be covered, nature of stories covered and how stories are covered, all tailored to suit the corporation's objectives. In such case, there is nothing like freedom of the press and as A.J Liebling asserts "Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one." Also, advertising seems to be the primary source of revenue generation for most media outlet and even the sole source for others. Understandably, these media outlets are tasked with promoting the business and style of management of their advertisers while suppressing news stories that cast a negative light on the sponsors. 

I won't forget to add that due to competition, most media outlets end up putting up images, videos or audio's that are selected just to shock or titillate their audience or viewers sometimes shoving the relevant information aside.

To answer that aforementioned question - Is the media really trustworthy? The answer is YES & NO depending on you - the audience, the listener, the viewer.

Yes because it is one major source of information and you just can't help but pay heed to it unless you prefer to remain uninformed and not current.

And No on the other hand because we in one way or the other form part of what we put up there or what we refer to as the media. So as rational beings, we should weigh this information, some of them could be false but only a critical look at them would reveal this falsehood.

Even why I still maintain that not every information gotten from even the so-called reputable news or information sources are true, objectivity is still key.


Follow me on Twitter: @victorikeji

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


                                                                           Image courtesy of

The above mentioned phrase have been clichéd with a good number of people not having the slightest knowledge of what it stands for or represents. I did a little research in my 'mind's lab', observed and came up with the following definitions for the power of a woman.

-It leaves a man confused about whom to choose amongst several women. (A lot of men would agree that their judgements get clouded sometimes)

-It makes a student forget that he has got loads of books to read. (Undergraduatenna anyi's knows better or could explain)

-It makes a grown man behave childishly putting aside the fact that he is an adult. (I mean, many a man have found themselves in this position)

-It is that which the advertising industry have taken advantage of in order to sell products ranging from cars, houses, services down to groceries and household items.

-It makes a man walk under the sun even when he would have preferred a shade.

-It turns great men into objects of ridicule. (The former US president who had a problem with his fly could tell you more)

-It makes 5 hours spent with a woman seem like 5 seconds. (Especially when it is a 'just married' situation or when a relationship is still very much new)

-It creates great enmity between supposed inseparable best friends. (Yours truly could attest to this one)

-Sadly, it is that which makes sanity leave a man and then makes him a killer, serial killer or rather go on a shooting spree.

- Also, it is that which could get a man a top job or make him descend from that position.

-It makes men who have taken a vow of celibacy to sometimes think otherwise. (Trust me, e dey hold them sometimes but thank God for grace)

-It makes a man talk gibberish and thinks he is making sense. (Based on toasting level)

-It is that which makes a man spend the last of his money and tells himself "as long as there is life there is hope."

-Funny enough, it makes some men cry when they didn't mean to.

The definitions are inexhaustible and the list could even make up a book if I decide to continue, indeed God works extra hard each time he assembles a woman and so those set of people should be treated with utmost care and respect.



Twitter: @victorikeji

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The statement 'Imo women are promiscuous' is one of those lies that have been told severally that it begin to seem true and cool to say or use. That one girl/woman is doesn't mean all of them is or that it runs in their blood like some people had suggested. It is just like saying 'yoruba women are party-freaks' when I know of some that would not attend the periodical 'owambe' for a whole year.

This brings to mind other clichès like "Nigerians are 419ners and cyber criminals" "Calabar people are sex freaks" "Benin is the hub of witchcraft in Nigeria" etc

What these lies does is, it takes charge of our perceptions consciously or subconsciously and then forms our judgment of the said people, race or country and when this happens, it affects how these people are being related or interacted with.

Some very quick examples, businesses or transactions that have Nigeria on it or are operated by Nigerians are always suspected to be fraudulent even if they are genuine. Most websites are inaccessible to Nigerians for fear of breaching its security or swindling its users. Each time a Calabar person (a word commonly use to refer to people from Akwa Ibom and Cross-river states in Nigeria) is spotted, it is assumed that he/she would be a pro or love to do it not minding the fact that a good number of them don't even have an inkling for sex. We always hear words like ‘benin witch’ and other stereotypical words that tends to associate Benin city or its people with the practice of witchcraft even when a good number of these people has never had anything to do with such practices.

Back to the statement "Imo women are promiscuous", this has stereotype written all over it because anybody can be; only that people always seem to notice it when an imo person is involved. At one particular time, the statement almost took its toll on me as I joined the bandwagon and the bandwagon effect was almost shaping my perception of all imo people especially the women until I met more of them, got to interact with and even stayed a long while with them.

The statement remains a fallacy of hasty generalization and should best be discontinued so that the younger generation whose minds are very receptive wouldn't have a one sided cum biased mindset about this group of people which would in turn affect the way they relate with or perceive imo people. The long term effect of this stereotype could be a comformation of the affected people to that which they are been identified with. There could also be problems in relationships involving the said people as they sometimes would lack the trust of the person they are in a relationship with because of a belief that they are promiscuous.
Just a few questions to clear the air on this one, is promiscuity hereditary or carried in the gene? If my father and two other friends that happen to be from Anambra supports Barcelona, does it automatically make me a Barca fan? If there are a few headless matchstick in a matchbox, does it mean that all the matchsticks in the box are headless?

Let’s put on our thinking caps and stop these unnecessary stereotypes!


Twitter: @victorikeji

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

8 Types of People You May Likely Find In Nigerian Universities

Throughout the 4 years spent in the University or what my American friends would call college, I met, got acquainted to, made friends with and observed several individuals. I kind of classified them into ten and below is an attempt to describe these people. Mind you, the names used are not real but fictional. 

JACK THE BOOKWORM: This guy or type of people reads everything that has to do with his or their academic work to the extent that they use them in everyday conversation sometimes even knowing some concepts more than their lecturers. Their favourite 'fun spot' is usually the library, stadium or one of those other isolated places. They usually have that nickname - 'First Class' although many of them end up not graduating with a First class degree. They are usually ignorant of happenings around them or even some occurrences around school because of their sometimes 'withdrawn' nature. Ask them something like 'who were the people protesting on campus the other day?' And you get a reply along the lines of, 'I don't know, how does that add to my GP?'

JULIE THE MARKETER: Julie has the hustling spirit and this is how she likes to describe it but in the real sense, she is a 'runz gal'. Marketing in this contest refers to 'showcasing' her 'wares' and getting paid for them. The nature of her job(s) makes travelling a compulsory hobby sometimes as she is always on the go. She is hardly found on campus or in class because of the demanding nature of this job. She is classy and would appear in expensive wears, jewelries and phones, all thanks to her wealthy clientele. Some individuals in this class are smart and could write and speak legibly, others are outright dumb, couldn't even spell their names but only know one thing - money.

ALEXANDER THE TERRIBLE: He was probably 'blended' in his first or second year on campus and is then termed a 'strong man'. He is rarely found in class except during certain practical classes or on exams day. He appears innocent sometimes and is unnecessarily humble as it is common for him to refer to you as 'Boss' or 'Sir'. People who know him treats him with respect just to avoid getting themselves into trouble with him and he always have his way with 'Jew men'. He could be seen sometimes with a bag hanging across his shoulder - a bag you dare not touch or try to open. Alexander may not be caught smoking in public but he sure is a smoker and spends a lot of time hanging out with the boys at the bar, exchanging banters in between bottles or discussing 'business' in hushed tones.

MATERIALISTIC NONSO: He/she is that boy or girl that would rocks the latest fashion or uses that phone that is in vogue. This 'shiny' individual would spend money trying to look like those models on some music videos or even the celebrity themselves all thanks to the plethora of uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, cousins etc that they would 'tax' before returning to school even after their parents must have given them their allowances. He/she is probably from a 'humble' home but when you get to see this person in school, you'd think that the father owns an oil bloc due to their flashy appearance. Nonso would lie about everything starting from what his/her father does for a living down to why they are not attending a university abroad or a private university.

KALU THE ENTREPRENEUR: This guy has 'business' written over him, from the way he talks, reasons, down to his views about life. You shouldn't be surprised if rumours starts flying around about him owning a space at that market close to the school. Kalu, who maybe one of those people whose parents would rather starve to ensure that he remains in school sees making-money-while-in-school as the perfect getaway from frustration and inadequate funding. He sometimes drops out of school in pursuit of happiness or finishes and then faces business squarely.

UCHE THE APOSTLE: Uche could be a boy or girl or to be more specific, that brother or  sister. If you happen to be his/her roommate, be ready to get to know Jesus personally. If there is something you feel he needs to know ASAP and his number seem not to be available or his cell is turned off, just try to locate him first at the school's Gethsamane (usually a place , not necessarily a church where students gather to pray sometimes) or in any other place(s) where brethren meet. Uche eats, reads and sleeps the bible sometimes even forgetting about his/her coursework till exams day. Uche stays in the hostel or have an apartment offcampus but a greater part of his/her day is spent attending one fellowship meeting or the other. Although he may not be in your faculty but don't be surprised to find him in front of your class one early morning just before lecture commences trying to tell the whole class a thing or two about Jesus Christ.

JOHN THE CLASS CLOWN: Every class in every department in every faculty in the University has this particular guy. He cracks everybody up with either his speech, body movement or the way he answers question in class. Most people see him as unserious but he could be one of those people that exams haven't really favoured and so they sought solace in making others smile.

PATRICK THE RANDOM GUY: He is what some people call the unusual everyday guy. He attends class just like every other person, submits assignments and writes exams just like every other student. He is usually not involved in things like politics or sports in the department but he could be found among the observing crowd. He appears simple and does not court attention. He is the best person to ask for any information concerning the department or faculty because he can be found everywhere as long as there are people there and it has to do with the department or faculty.

Bottom line is: God creates people with different characters and personalities and then have them placed at different parts of the country/world but the university brings them together. The university affords you with the opportunity to learn from this vast array of individuals.

Seize the opportunity!


Twitter: @victorikeji

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


The Tourism industry could be said to be one of the trusted revenue generators of a state or country if handled properly. The role of tourism in the development of a state cannot be overemphasized as it could be a strategy used to maintain the flow of cash into a state, for instance the Dubai example. But on the other hand, tourism development could be threatened when Tourists are not ensured of their safety. A state that have had several cases of kidnapping, armed robbery, etc could be said not to be the perfect tourist destination but Anambra could still be transformed despite all those sad tales coming out of the state and that is what literary events and their likes tend to achieve – bringing like minds in the creative industry together not just to discuss creativity but also issues pertaining to nation building.
The 2nd Anambra Book and Creativity Festival (ANBUKRAFT) held between the 26th of February and the 1st of march 2014 at King David hotel, Awka. The event which was ran with the theme “Reinvigorating the Literary, Creative and Cultural Enterprise in the Realities of the Millennium Turn” featured various activities and presentations from seasoned and young artists, educationists, writers, publishers, literary and art critics, art lovers, film makers, craft makers, actors, poets and musicians from different parts of Nigeria and beyond in addition to several roundtable discussions and a five-day exhibition of books and crafts. On display were several paintings on the Nigeria-Biafra war, Achebe’s Things Fall Apart and a host of other paintings and crafts, some of them with Uli markings. The theme of the event which was further dissected into various presentations, saw speakers cum artists like Prof. Ben Obumselum, Rev. Fr. Ositadinma Amakaeze, Prof. Damian U. Opata, Prof. Ayo Oloidi, Mr Lasse Lau and a host of others speak to and engaged the participants in series of discussions while the programme lasted. The event which had renowned poet and literary critique Prof. Chimalum Nwankwo, The Chief Judge of Anambra state Justice Peter Umeadi and the Vice Chancellor of Madonna University Prof. C.E Ezedum in attendance climaxed with an award ceremony which saw a number of artists and other participators in the industry rewarded for their contribution to the creative industry.
This interesting and highly educating programme was almost marred by a low participation as chairs were looking for people to sit on them but resilience and dedication was at play as the organizers of the event led by one of Nigeria’s foremost visual artist Prof. Chuu Kryd Ikwuemesi held on till the last day. It is rather appalling to have resource persons come from other parts of the country and the world to share information and disseminate ideas only to be greeted by empty seats for an event that was greatly publicized. If people from other states and countries, knowing how impactful the program would be could travel long distances just to attend the event, I wonder why Anambrarians in whose domain the event is being held would snub it. It is about time that we put a stop to the generalization that Anambra people and the Ibos in particular only understand the language of money or business and this stereotype is part of the reason why literary events like this don’t seem to be common in Anambra. We shouldn’t forget in a hurry that the state also produced the likes of world acclaimed novelists Professor Chinua Achebe, Cyprian Ekwensi, Chimamanda Adichie, one of the foremost Nigerian fine artist Prof. Uche Okeke, Prof. Kenneth Dike, the first Nigerian sculptor Prof. Ben Enwuonwu and a host of others currently making wave in the creative industry. 
Literary events like ANBUKRAFT would not just boost Tourism in Anambra state but would export the people’s culture to other parts of the country and the world. It would also serve as an avenue for young artists, art lovers, writers, academics, and craftsmen etc to meet themselves and with some of the people they look up. With that in mind, the government, institutions, agencies, corporate bodies and individuals have both participatory and sponsorship role to play in other to ensure the continuity of ANBUKRAFT and other events of the same nature. Away from the success recorded in terms of commerce in the state, there is need to place the state in the world map of creativity just like some other states in Nigeria have done with their various literary events and festivals and this is part of what ANBUKRAFT aims to achieve.

There is a need for more events and workshops of this nature in the state so as to awaken the creative spirit in the younger generation, mould budding talents as well as provide them with skills that would help them earn income, contribute to nation building and hence, make Anambra the true light of the nation as is being carried by its slogan.

Twitter: @Victorikeji

Saturday, February 22, 2014


The Unn Campus hit is a campus magazine that discusses Education, Lifestyle, Fashion and Entertainment. Embedded within are a plethora of wonderful write-ups, interviews with notable student celebrities and an array of colorful pictures. The magazine went online this time around and yours truly decided to share it on here. Enjoy…

Download HERE

Sunday, February 16, 2014


“ …Science cannot thrive in third world countries because we’d first have to take care of hunger, diseases and superstition…” Dr Nwanguma, B.C
I first heard this statement in a classroom wrote it down and gave it serious thought. I made a lot of deductions from the statement and decided to share some of them on here. You must not be science oriented to connect with what I am about to say because science cuts across and affects every single aspect of human life in one way or the other.
Africa as a continent tends to be a little backwards when it comes to scientific breakthroughs compared to the west, apart from putting blames on its government policies, corruption and neo-colonization as some people would argue, I believe that just  like my lecturer stated above that hunger, disease and the belief system also have a role in this backwardness.
HUNGER:  Third world countries especially in Africa like we all know have this problem of hunger that is still lingering owing to failed government policies, misuse of public funds, corruption, amongst others. Looking at Nigeria for example where several poverty alleviation programmes have come and gone, some still pretty much around and still the average citizen lives on about $2 a day. A friend once humorously remarked that “The whole country is hungry”, although that statement seem funny but a critical look at it shows that it is true in every sense. School teachers, University lecturers and even Professors are underpaid. Some of these Academics who are supposed to be on the frontline of research cannot even feed or live normal lives and this is one of the reasons why there are cases of scientific grants being converted to personal money and not used for its initial intent. The nation is frail and hungry and until this hunger is taken care of, I doubt if we could practice Science effectively.
DISEASE:  This is unconnected to hunger in a way because it is common for people who are undernourished to contract various forms of diseases which would now have to be taken care of with the monies which could have been used to harness science and technology all in the name of fighting diseases.  Africa for instance is still battling with several diseases that have become extinct in most developed countries. Discovering the means of eradicating some of these diseases contributes to science but you and I know that most of these research works are carried out in developed countries where the necessary tools for conducting experiments are abundant while the human test are carried out down here where ‘Laboratory animals’ abound.
SUPERSTITION & BELIEF SYSTEM:  Although this could be waved off as being irrelevant, it remains one of the many hindrances to effective scientific practice in Africa. It seems to have reduced due to the fact that some of those people involved in these practices are embracing civilization but it is still pretty much around and even some who claim to be civilized are still superstitious. Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to downplay or rubbish the belief in a deity or greater power but rather, I am trying to show how superstition shields effective scientific practice. In the past, a lot of new ailments have been attributed to the gods and deemed incurable even when they could have been researched upon and proper experiments carried out.  That was in the past right? But sadly, it is still happening even in this age. Some religious factions for example abhor transfusions of blood and blood related materials in which case means that Stem Cell Therapy which has proved to be effective against certain disease conditions cannot be conducted.
The government could try to tackle hunger by putting up programmes that should be monitored to ensure that they are not just another way in which a few officials enrich themselves and even review the payments of academics and other research scientist to curb this problem of converting grants and other monies meant to harness research into personal money. Schools cum institutes of learning should be hugely funded so that they would produce graduates that could compete with their counterparts in other countries of the world because if for example, we have Doctors that are competent enough, there would be no need to travel out to carry out certain medical procedures. There is need to setup more world-class research institutes in Africa so that more research work could be carried out here instead of the norm which involves starting a research work here and completing it abroad. The issue of Superstition and the belief system is one which I believe would still linger for a while because people cherish and are of the opinion that their belief system is the best.  

Effective scientific practices are very possible in Africa if only we act on those problems that are so obvious but which we tend to ignore and go about our business like everything is fine.


Follow me on Twitter: @victorikeji

Monday, February 3, 2014


Ade and Mike have been great buddies since their high school days. Both are in their late 20's, living together in the US and are known homosexuals. Ade's family reunion that is scheduled to hold in Nigeria happens to be a problem for the two of them because they stand the risk of serving jail term or even getting lynched by a mob for their sexual preference.

The Nigerian government signed the anti-gay rights bill into law and this law could be summarised as follows: That anyone found/caught carrying out homosexual acts would be liable to 14 years in prison and also that any person that supports or is a member of gay organisations, associations or club is liable to 10 years in prison. The law became effective this year and since then there have raids in which gay people are apprehended mostly in the Northern part of the country. There have also been cases of suspected gay people being lynched. I saw a clip sometime last year in which three University students suspected to be lesbians were stripped and forced to perform sexual acts on themselves in public. The International community have frowned at this step taken by the Nigerian government while there are even rumours of some countries threatening to stop giving aids to Nigeria. Many Nigerians are of the opinion that homosexuality is unafrican or to be specific 'unnigerian' and some religions frown at it and that is why gay people in this part of the world seems to be ill-treated. 

A couple of weeks back, former boxing champion Evander Holyfield stated that being gay is not normal and can be fixed and a greater number of the American population started sounding their trumpet of criticism. As criticisms keep pouring in and as more world citizens continue to add their voice to the subject, I think this is like a clarion call to behavioural scientists to conduct experiments on the possibility of psychotherapy as a means of checking homosexuality. Some Nigerians believe that homosexuality is more spiritual than physical, although I am not disputing their view, I believe homosexuality is more behavioural than spiritual. They shouldn't be locked up like the Nigerian government is doing at the moment or lynched as have been witnessed in some areas but rather they should be HELPED. 

Homosexuality is not a medical condition or like some would say 'I was born this way'. No, not that at all. I believe it is more of a mindset thing, more like an experiment carried out by a young child or an adolescent which later turns into a habit and then is forming or has formed the person's character. Someone argued that just like alcohol and drug addicts undergo rehabilitation and become free, gay people should be rehabilitated too.(The prison could be said to be a form of rehabilitation but I don't think the same could be said of Nigerian prisons) As dumb or silly as that argument is to some, I believe there is an iota of truth in it and that just like Holyfield opined, it can be fixed. I am of the opinion that if those 'gay moments' are noticed in a child early, some form of psychotherapy put in place, it could be checked and then maybe the child would grow up to be 'normal'

Let's put a stop to gay lynching and imprisonment and look at the possibility of psychotherapy as a means of helping this set of people.


Twitter: @victorikeji

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Judas' kiss on the cheek of Jesus which gave him out to the roman soldiers have several applications nowadays.

A kiss to the cheek had been known in certain cultures to signify greeting, to confer congratulations, to comfort someone or even as a sign of affection but Judas used it with an evil intent -- to betray Jesus Christ, a case of using something that is designed to be advantageous for a bad purpose. When you take a look at our world today, you find that the same thing keeps repeating itself only in different forms. The government for example is meant to better the lives of the citizens through formulation of policies geared at making things better but this same government would formulate policies that would help them fill their pockets, that of their cohorts and family members without being questioned while the initial purpose a government is meant to serve is overlooked. Public funds are taken oversees, institutions that are meant to make life better for the masses lay in shambles rather wars are being endorsed with billions of taxpayers money.

What about the Internet? This happens to be one of the most important tools of the 21st century as it made everything easier since its advent and this was the initial intent. Deals are being closed virtually, Job interviews are being conducted without the need of physical presence or over the phone, people get informed without the need for the traditional radio or television set, plus its other usage or importance. The same internet is used today for wire fraud, all sorts of scam and even 'cyber wars' as have been witnessed globally. Stories have been told on how unsuspecting people were swindled by criminals posing as men of God, businessmen, politicians and even potential husbands/wives online.

There are a greater number of charity organisations today than is obtainable about a decade ago and the number keeps increasing. From musicians and actors floating charities to businessmen and politicians starting foundations cum charities. A charity organisation as we all know is a non-profit organisation usually started to cater for people with special needs or even the less privileged but most charity organisations today do just the opposite. There have been cases of diversion of funds and other forms of fraudulent practices within charities and all these rubbishes the purpose for which they were started in the first place.

One would've been able to argue logically that the number of churches around Nigeria today would mean little or no vices or at least a morally upright society but that argument would be rebuffed as soon as it is started. It even looks like the increase in the number of churches is proportional to increase in immorality and now the question remains, 'why is this so?' Churches are meant to bring people together, preach the gospel without bias, emphasise salvation and good works etc. All these, if in place would mean that the society would be a little saner and free from vices but the reverse is the case and this is due to the fact that most churches are profit-making enterprises or companies. In a previous article - THE RELIGION INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA, I wrote: "It is no longer a question of if one has the anointing or not(as a pastor) but rather it is how to get members because, the more the 'customers', the more income is generated. I have watched closely as the theme of most sermons graduated from Salvation to Prosperity simply because a good number of church goers would come back each sunday to listen to the Our-God-is-not-a-poor-God, His-children-must-prosper sermon rather than the boring Accept-Christ-and-be-saved-or-refuse-him-and-perish sermon." All of these boils down to the fact that churches are not being used for what they were established for in the first place but for other ungodly purposes.

There are several other examples and a closer look would show that every one of us is directly involved in or is a party to this using-something-that-was-meant-to-be-good-for-something-bad syndrome.
Most of the time, the blame is being put on the society as the cause of things like this but the same society is made up of you and me and if that is the case, correcting this condition that have been eating up the society or reducing it rather should start from an individual and then to his immediate family, friends and then to neighbours, the community he lives in, state, province, country and then to the world at large. Even the biblical Judas knew this and punished himself for his wrong rather than blaming anyone or the society (Although I am not advising this).

When we begin to see ourselves as the cause of most of the problems in the society and not putting the blame on the word - society - then profer solutions to these problems, maybe just then we would put a stop to or reduce some of these vices thereby making our country and in turn the whole world better.

Twitter: @victorikeji

Friday, January 10, 2014


Hurray! Today marks the 365th day since the first article was published on the blog.

The blog started when I was looking at archiving my write-ups and that was after my article COHABITATION IN NIGERIAN UNIVERSITIES hit over 8000 views and made front page on Nairaland. I thought about archiving my write-ups for reference and other purposes and then the idea came, 'why not get a blog for that purpose and also get to share these thoughts, analysis and opinions with others there' and that was how we started Victor Ikeji's Blog. Each time I look at the Blog's dashboard and see the number of page views per day, per week, per month, I feel very happy knowing that someone somewhere assessed the blog that day, week and month.

And so, to mark this 'Blogversary' and also to reward our readers for their loyalty, support, patience and feedbacks (both positive and negative). We'd be giving out free e-books that covers the following areas: Business, Entrepreneurship, Relationships, Motivation/Inspirational, Novels and Writing. All you have to do is just use the comment box below or send an e-mail to indicating the type(s) of e-book as mentioned above that you would want to get from us. You can also follow @victorikeji on Twitter and then mention along with your e-mail address and the type(s) of e-book you want. We would send you an e-mail ASAP.

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